
Welcome to the Solar Council

“Sabotage!”, the representative to the Solar Council of Mercury approached her colleague, who was fulminating from behind his screen. “Sabotage, I tell you! We’ve lost all of our credits and Antihydrogen, ma’am!” 

“What!? How? More importantly, who?” The representative asked. Her colleague shook his head and turned to the screen. He pointed at a log entry showing a transaction to an address. The address was all too familiar to the Mercurian representative. “Mars.” She said, turned around and headed back to the Solar Council room, where next session of debate was about to commence. 

What’s Governor?

It is the future. Players represent one of nine nations in the Solar Council. This Council was established to guide humanity’s expansion into the solar system. Nations include the settled inner planets of Earth, Mars and Mercury, the Jovian moons of Europa, Titan and Miranda and the celestial bodies at the far fringes of the solar system: Triton, Pluto and asteroid Beatrix-311.

Governor is an asymmetric, fast-paced, real-time negotiation simulation for 9 to 27 players. That’s a lot of fancy words for saying it’s a game that is played with a big group of people, both online and offline, at the same time!

One player of each team represents their nation in the Solar Council. Here they will discuss the state of the game and create new laws that amend the game’s rules. The other players will use the Integrated Command Interface (ICI) to move fleets, wage war, claim new regions, trade with other players and build weapons, flees and gain influence.

How do you play it?

Governor is played in rounds. Each round takes place in real time, which means that players must act quickly and make decisions before the round time is up. During each round two things happen in parallel:

  • The Solar Council is in session
    Players that have taken seat in the Solar Council will draft, debate and vote on laws that amend, change or even delete the game’s rules. For example, the planet of Mercury may wish to expand to the outer reaches of the solar system, but a treaty is in the way preventing any nation from annexing space that isn’t theirs. Mercury must lobby the other nations for support, draft a law that repeals the existing treaty and get the majority of the nations to vote on this law.
  • Lobbyists negotiate and give orders
    While the Council members debate and vote, the players outside the Solar Council chambers negotiate about territories, resources, alliances and war. They have access to the ICI and trade resources with other players, build an arsenal, gain influence through public works or complete events such as the rescue of refugees that are stranded in space after a cataclysmic collision with an asteroid left their homeworld in ruin.

Fight for the future of the solar system

Who’s it for?

Governor comes in two flavors: 1) A fun, half-day activity for groups that want to play a game together and 2) a full-day training focused on effective negotiation, lobbying skills and diplomacy.

A fun game for groups

Get some friends together

Business outing? Fun afternoon with friends? Consider organizing a game of Governor. You can either play the game on your own and get 24 hours access to the Governor ICI or organize a supervised version of the game, where we will take care of the logistics and host the game so you can focus on all the devious ways you can outsmart your friends or colleagues and become the most powerful nation in the solar system! And the fun, of course. Don’t forget about the fun.

Full-day negotiation training

Practice your negotiation skills

Are you looking for some extra practice in negotiation, public speaking and communication? Consider organizing Governor in a training setting. With this offering comes a full-day training, in which the morning is focused on theory and practice of negotiation and the afternoon will be spent playing Governor, putting your newly-learned skills into practice. We’ll also ask you to assess your own performance before, during and after the game, to make the most of this learning experience.


Check out our Pricing page or send an e-mail to and we can set up a demonstration session. We’ll discuss your needs and wishes and adapt the game to your situation.

Hope to see you soon… in spaaaaace!

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