
Pay what you want!

Edit: Limited Bèta has ended. Send an e-mail to if you want to organize a demo session.

In my last post I introduced the simple AI that I use to simulate a Governor play test. This AI is extremely useful to balance the starting conditions of the game and check if everything is functionally in order. Unfortunately, the feedback from this is nowhere near as valuable as that from a real-life play test.

The drawback of real-life play tests is that they take time to organize and depend on my own availability. That is, until now! I want to invite you to organize a session of Governor on your own!  Introducing the Governor Limited Bèta Test Sessions!

unl session
A recent session with the United Netherlands delegation. Picture courtesy of Ruud Walvius and United Netherlands

Limited Bèta

After the success of the two most recent play tests I am confident that a session of Governor can be organized without my guidance, chairmanship and live debugging.  I’ll use the feedback from these sessions to improve the game and release a fully playable version soon. If you’re interested, you can organize a session of Governor using the Governor Limited Bèta Package.

What’s in the Governor Limited Bèta Package?

  • Access to the on-line Integrated Command Interface for 24 hours. This interface is the backbone of Governor and is used by players to conduct trades, gather resources, review laws, etc.
  • User accounts and background information for all playable nations
  • A digital copy of the player manual
  • A set of laws that can be used as the starting point for your session
  • A set of events that can be activated during play
  • A Chairman’s guide
  • Optionally, one hour of in-person Chairperson instructions from me to get you started on setting up and chairing your session
  • You will automatically become a Friend of Governor, which will make you eligible for future benefits (discounts, bonus content, etc.) when the game goes live

What do you need to do?

  1. Send an e-mail to indicating your interest
  2. Gather some friends, colleagues, family members, bitter rivals or just random people from the street. Ideally, Governor is played with anywhere from 9 up to 27 players, but it is possible with fewer
  3. When you have a date and time I can set up a Skype session with you to discuss how to organize a game of Governor
  4. Play Governor!
  5. Afterwards, I will ask you to answer some questions and provide me with feedback
  6. Decide what you want to pay for this experience and show me the money! Or not, that’s also fine

I hope to see you soon as Chairpersons-in-training!

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